BauhausEINS Artist Studios — Project Launch

Bau­haus­EINS laun­ched a new stu­dio pro­ject on Octo­ber 1st, 2016. The self orga­ni­zed group of artists setup their stu­dios in two rooms on the 2nd floor of the buil­ding loca­ted at Bau­haus­straße 1. The artists will use the space for their pri­vate stu­dio prac­ti­ces for the next 7 months. The three artists will also seek to pre­sent an exhi­bi­tion of their work and publish a catalog.

The inau­gu­ral mem­bers include; Brian Bixby (USA), Chris­toph Bal­duin Strop­pel (Ger­many), Maria Suckert (Ger­many).

Ate­lier­EINS, Octo­ber 19, 2016 | Photo: Robert Sonnenschein
Ate­lier­EINS, Octo­ber 19, 2016 | Photo: Robert Sonnenschein
Ate­lier­EINS, Octo­ber 19, 2016 | Photo: Robert Sonnenschein
Bau­haus­EINS stu­dio, pain­tings by Brian Bixby, 2016 | Photo: Robert Sonnenschein
Ate­lier­EINS, Octo­ber 19, 2016 | Photo: Robert Sonnenschein
Ate­lier­EINS, Octo­ber 19, 2016 | Photo: Robert Sonnenschein